Fast paced birding trips for quick listers

  • Avery Meeker

    Avian ecologist and Bird-friendly coffee roaster Avery Meeker has spent his career surveying for birds in Denali and Yosemite National Parks. He has led classes to Costa Rica with the University of Washington where he earned his Masters degree in Wildlife Science. He loves birding by ear and shooting on his Sony A7R III.

    Lifelist: 1193

  • Marcos

    Born in Mastatal Costa Rica, Marcos has over 20 years of guiding and teaching experience. He has led many student groups from the University of Washington, Villanova, Monterrey Bay, and the University of California (Irvine). He runs an eco-lodge and conducts tours regularly throughout Costa Rica. His local knowledge and expertise make traveling in Costa Rica quick and seamless.

    CR List: 733